

Understanding Africa's China and U.S. relations through the lens of investment.

August 2022

Driving accountability and transparency in Zambia's mining sector is a critical component for achieving sustainable socio-economic development.

May 2022

Driving transparency, accountability and accurate returns from the Mining Sector, to drive sustainable socio-economic development via the implementation of a mining sector operational audit.

Aug 2021

Utilizing a data-driven approach, of independent, internationally recognized, accurate data sources, to either SUPPORT or REFUTE, the Amnesty International 2020/2021 Report of the State of Human Rights in Zambia

July 2021

Zambia's July 2021 inflation was recorded at 24.6%, a relatively higher figure than the region. However, the majority of the Zambian labour force did not experience a commensurate average wage increase, this means that the ability of most Zambians to acquire foods, goods and services has been severely strained.

July 2021




President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Felix Tshisekedi with

CFO of The Congolese Business Round Table and Chamber of Commerce (CBRCC) at

United Nations General Assembly September 2022 New York

His Excellency Dr Kenneth Kaunda

Engaging in discussion on the history, policies, and front-line state role of Zambia with the founding President of Zambia, Dr Kenneth David Kaunda also known as KK. Kaunda served as the first President of Zambia from 1964 to 1991. He was at the forefront of the struggle for independence from British rule. Kaunda was a humanist, idealist and visionary who played a key role in supporting African nationalism.


This discussion document examines the role of leadership in Sub-Saharan Africa vis-à-vis tribalism; it explores the historical to the current impact of tribalism on the election outcomes and voting patterns of The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Zambia, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Furthermore, it utilizes a proposed model, with tribalism as the pivotal variable, to investigate the role of tribalism in elected state governments. It concludes by proposing a predictive model, via the lens of tribalism, by extrapolating the relationship between tribalism and other factors and their interconnectivity towards projecting the future of Sub-Saharan Africa and its impact on the region.